Welcome to AuthorPods

Ever finish a book and wish to learn more? Wonder what influenced the author in the writing of the work, from where the inspiration came, or how the book took shape?

Wonder no more.

As a reader and an author who recently published my second book, I have spent the last few months joining numerous author-led conversations around books. These have included private book group talks and free public conversations sponsored by independent bookstores. In each conversation, I have learned.

Just two days ago, I listened to author Richard Russo speak with Susan Conley about her new bestselling novel, Landslide and I came away with so much. In my conversations with book groups about my memoir The Long Tail of Trauma, readers have shared with me insights that continue to resonate with me. These conversations, both public and private, have been instructive, enlightening, and honestly, to borrow a phrase from author Ross Gay, my day’s delight. But until today, no single platform has existed where readers and authors like myself can search, join, and schedule book-driven conversations, private or public.

AuthorPods provides this functionality and more. It allows readers to search for authors and their books; to attend public conversations with authors; and to book private book group talks. Authors can feature information about their books, their public events, and details about their availability for book group talks.

It is still early days at AuthorPods. We are a very small team and have only just begun to populate our site with content and to reach out to readers and authors. We hope you will join us on our new platform AuthorPods, seeding conversations between authors and readers about books.


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